Take Control of Your Future

ADHD Life Coaching Professional
Hi! I’m Leslie Johnson, a parent, educator, and ADHD life coach with certification from the International ADHD Coach Training Center raising two beautiful, busy children with my husband. Becoming a mother to two children definitely gave me new insight into the challenges of raising kids. With two kids diagnosed with ADHD, I am on a mission to learn as much as I can to help them succeed. In my search for resources I discovered the amazing world of coaching and became a certified ADHD life coach. As a life coach, I help children, parents, and others who are managing ADHD to thrive!
I have been teaching for 13 years and currently work with middle school students in special education environments. As an educator, I have unique insight into the difficulties ADHD students face in a school setting and what strategies and systems are essential for success. I am passionate about helping educators to understand ADHD and how to create an environment that helps all students learn and grow to the best of their abilities.
45 min
110 US dollars45 min
110 US dollars1 hr
130 US dollars30 min
75 US dollars30 min
85 US dollars
What is ADHD Coaching?
ADHD life coaching is a way for a client to seek help with an area of their life where they are not achieving the outcomes that they desire. A coach is a partner with the client that uses professional coaching strategies to aid the client in identifying their own truth and solution. The main goal of coaching is to help increase self-awareness in order to develop new solutions for success. Coaches are client-centered in that they don’t advise, direct, decide or suggest solutions for clients. Coaches are there to help the client to become aware of the answers that are already inside of them and their own personal solutions to places that they feel stuck. An ADHD coach has a special understanding of the common challenges of ADHD or being in a relationship with someone with ADHD.